When all is said and done and we stand before the master what will matter is not the opinion of any man,not the applause from men ,not your reputation in society or any man's perception of who you are. What will count is the quality of your personality towards God. Not the praises of men not the approval of man what will profit a man to gain the whole world and yet lose his soul. Live your life to please him let heaven be your focus refuse to be distracted.
Read..This is the news for you ....peeps ...always come back for more ...culled from LIB
Sep 22nd 2015, 20:01

· Contestants will post the looks on their personal instagram page.
· Contestants MUST tag @mudnigeria and hashtag #MUDAIB2015.
· All images will be reposted on the @mudnigeriainstagram page by the MUDNG team
· Contestants can begin to inform family, friends and well- wishers to visit the @mudnigeriainstgram page and like the look created.
Phase 1 Ends: Twenty (20) twenty lucky contestants with the "MOST LIKES' will move ontoPhase 2.
Phase 2 – The second look will be posted on the @mudnigeriainstragram page and the 20 qualifying contestants will be tagged
· Repeat all steps from Phase 1.
Phase 2 Ends: Ten (10) ten contestants with the "MOST LIKES' will be move onto Phase 3.
· Repeat all steps from Phase 1.
Phase 3 – The second look will be posted on the @mudnigeriainstragram page and the 10qualifying contestants will be tagged
· Repeat all steps from Phase 1.
Phase 3 Ends: Five (5) five contestants with the "BEST LOOKS"will be carefully selected by the MUD Nigeria Teamto advance to the Grand Finale
Phase 4 – Grand Finale ….The five lucky contestantswill be invited to MUD Nigeria Head office in Lagos for the final leg of the competition
· The Five (5) Contestants will create a look to be provided on that day.
· Contestants will be required to come along with their models.
· MUD Nigeria MUA's and external MUA's will serve as judges for the grand finale
· Contestants will be judged based on predetermined criteria. Three (3) lucky contests will emerge as winners for the 2nd Edition of the MUD AIB Makeup Competition
The winners of the MUD AIB 2015 Makeup Competition will receive the following:
Grand Prize: A MUD Professional Makeup Kit and a Professional Camera Set. Total prize value: N500,000
Second Prize: A MUD Professional Makeup Kit and a Portable/Foldable Makeup Chair. Total prize value: N350,000
Third Price: MUD Professional Makeup Kit. Total prize value: N250,000
Participation Deadline
Phase 2 Deadline: October 19 2015 – October 30 2015
Phase 3 Deadline: November 9 - November 20 2015
Grand Finale: Saturday December 12 2015
AIB CompetitionRules:
1. Contestants must follow @mudnigeria on instagram to qualify
2. Contestants MUST post pictures and image likes MUST happen within the deadline for each phase
3. Final 5 contestants MUST come along with a model for the grand finale
The MUD Academy October Class Schedule is as follows:
One-Month Beauty Essentials and Bridal Makeup Class
Date: Oct 5-30 2015
Two-Weeks Beauty Basics Class
Date: October 5-16 2015
Weekend Class (Saturdays ONLY)
Date: October 10 – November 14 2015
For more details, contact a MUD Nigeria Representative:
Tel: 07082978030, 0805183970, 07065309393
The MUD Academy…. an educated approach to Makeup
Revenge is a Poison meant for others, which we end up swallowing ourselves. Vengence is a Dark Light that blinds all who seek it. Don’t argue with Idiots.. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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