Nigeria now has nude posers! Yeah,unfortunately,we now do.This is something we used to think was "that rubbish white people do",now i guess things have changed. I want to talk about the latest one in town.Her name is Beverly Osu, and I had to ''Google'' her to find out who she is and what she is about. All I found is Vanity. Pointless, shallow, debasing, attention and fame seeking vanity. Not that I think seeking fame is wrong. Many great scientist and inventors sought fame which basically led to their achievements.But for Miss Beverly, I found no great W.A.E.C results or achievemment, no daring rescue, no great selfless act, no great invention or contribution to Nigeria. So why do we care about her naked body? Big Brother Africa. Yes. Remember that show? That annoying waste of my time and TV space? Well, not criticising lovers of the show, I just never liked that show. I watched like two episodes and totally lost interest. But we aren't here to talk about BBA. We are here to talk about Beverly Osu. We are here to talk about Nigerians. We are here to talk about the fact that we now seem to accept anything mordernization throws at us.Must we start allowing the worst of our people dominate our popular culture? The likes of Maheeda, Afrocandy and now beverly osu should not set the pace of our acceptable behaviours and norms. The west lost in terms of culture, why must we follow suit? Not everything the west does is great. I believe if their fore fathers had forseen this kind of decay in their countries when they where designing them, they would have put up preventive measures. I think they just never imagined that full functioning, well fed and educated people could ever find a way to justify walking around nude! lol .So my question to us today is , why are we allowing this same decay today.
Read..This is the news for you ....peeps ...always come back for more ...culled from LIB

"I believe the color of my skin shouldn't determine the genre of my music! I believe it's ok for me not to give a fuck anymore. I believe I'm supposed to motivate those I can. I believe In the power of a smile. Im proud to say that I've warned every urban gossip site to never post me again (balleralert) or I'll post their addy, phone number, and picture. That's only fair right? I Believe that pouring salt around the bed keeps the sex demons away. I really do Believe Rasheeda does rap like Shawty Lo. Just like she believed it was ok to call me liar about my abuse. Smh. I Believe I'm not crazy but everyone else around me is. I believe my old manager isn't suing me for money but because his stomach is very heavy to carry around. He also doesn't want me to tell he's sleeping with his staff and his artist. Opps😁 I believe that there is only 1 Iyanla and all you people who want to offer your advice below in my comments should sit and spin! I AM FREE TO BE ME. I forgot that! Social media and people have made me feel like my thoughts and opinions were wrong! I'm entitled to feel! I don't care if you like it or not!!!!! I'm Kimberly. I'm back! Either you rock with it or you don't! I'm happy as shit FINALLY! I KNOW I've been given this platform to be vocal. Call me crazy but I wanna see every woman find something that makes them feel something. I want you 2b great, way better than me🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
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